Bungee Dance
This high-intensity, full body, workout has you floating weightlessly, dynamically bouncing freely in space, having so much fun that you’ll forget how much you sweat.
Suspended on a bungee cord, attached at your hips, you can explore three-dimensional manoeuvres that fully engage each and every muscle. Whether it’s finding flow while rebounding back and forth, or diving head first towards the ground, jumping into the air like Superman, or suspended Mission Impossible style floating just inches above the floor.

You can explore ballerina pirouette style turns, and dance jumps that may have always been out of reach before. With bungee you will build strength, flexibility, and core stability while you play. Allowing you to discover and create a freedom and resilience that extends, beyond the bungee, into the rest of your life.
Join us and try this innovative way of getting fully into shape, working between the ground and the air. Breathe in a new form of freedom. Intensive conditioning class for all levels. All levels are welcome.
We also offer private group bungee dance fitness sessions with up to 7 participants for £150 for 1 hour. We run these sessions on Sunday afternoons. Get in touch to book your private session today!